Etiqueta: Belu Chi

Tipos de Pespuntes
Confección, Control de calidad, Costura, Desarrollo de modelo, Ficha técnica, Operaciones de costura 7 comments

Tipos de Pespuntes

Tipos de Pespuntes Vocabulario técnico Autor Belu Chi Profe, cual es la diferencia entre Puntada y Pespunte? Esta pregunta es más habitual de lo que pensamos, tanto para estudiantes como para profesionales de la industria textil. Y no es de extrañar que sea algo confuso, puesto que un pespunte es un tipo de puntada. Para ser más específica, un…

Anatomy of a Seam
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Anatomy of a Seam

Anatomy of a Seam What are the Parts of a Seam? Author Belu Chi As we discussed in a previous article, a seam is the result of joining two pieces of fabric by a line of stitches. Every day, in the textile industry, a wide variety of seams are used to make the clothes that…

Terminaciones de costuras
Confección, Control de calidad, Costura, Desarrollo de modelo, Ficha técnica, Patronaje 7 comments

Terminaciones de costuras

Tipos de terminaciones de costuras Autor Belu Chi Conoces las terminaciones de costuras que puedes darle a los márgenes de costura y cuándo aplicarlas? Aunque los remates (o terminaciones) de costuras muchas veces no se ven, una mala elección empobrecerá tu diseño, y afectará directamente al costo de la prenda. Las funciones principales de las terminaciones de…

Seam Finishes
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Seam Finishes

Types of Seam Finishes Autor Belu Chi Do you know what finishes you can apply to a seam allowance and when to use them? Although seam finishes are usually  hidden away inside the garment, a poor choice in finish could affect your design and the cost of the garment.   The main functions of a…

Seam vs. Stitch
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Seam vs. Stitch

Seam vs. Stitch Seam, Stitch, Topstitch… What are they?   Differences between Seams and Stitches Does it happen to you that you stay thinking when they talk about seams, stitches, and topstitching? If answering this question takes you more than 3 seconds, you should read this article. A bad explanation or interpretation of a message…

Fold Hem with Detail
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Fold Hem with Detail

Fold Hem with Detail Seams H110B / H110T / H110C   Details are important, and we all know it; but since I’ve been analyzing sewing seams for the last years, my passion for well-made constructions and smart finishes keeps growing and growing. “Knowledge is Power” If you don’t know the seams options available in the…

Types of Seams: Uses

Types of Seams: Uses

Types of Seams: Uses I was just wondering… do you like sewing?   Personally, I don’t like it… I Love It!!! ​ But, you don’t need to be a passionate sewer to appreciate the importance of selecting the appropriate sewing seams, agree?   “To create something exceptional, get focus on details”    We’ve already talked about…


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